Update Schedule serial stories

Thursday: Brigitte Cross de Valk - Aspen Leaves - G
Monday: Emie Faun - I'm Yours - G
Wednesday: Debbra - The O'Donoghue Boys - PG13

21 Sept 2013


Status:     Finished
Length:    Short
Author:    Helen
Rating:     G
One secret, one plan, one jealous man

Danny screamed at Lauren. Lauren sighed, this was now getting to become a normal occurrence and she didn’t like it one little bit.


Lauren walked towards her boyfriend and touched his arm gently.

“…. We’ve been friends for years, a lot longer than I have known you.” 

Danny’s face now turned pink and his eyes thunderous as he pushed the petite woman’s arm away from him.

“Of course I DO keep forgetting that YOU TWO have more history than we do.” Lauren shook her head, Danny could be the sweetest most loving man you knew but he also had the worst jealous streak imaginable.

“Glen has asked me to go for a drink with him, because he needs to talk to me about something.”

Danny walked into the kitchen to fetch a can of beer from the fridge.

“Didn’t ask me did he?”

Lauren tried to pacify Danny even though it annoyed her, she placed her arms around Danny’s waist and nuzzled her head into his warm back.

“Come on babe, It’s probably something private and he wants my advice.”

Danny leant his head back feeling the warmth of Lauren’s body against his own.

“He fancies you…. I hardly see you can offer advice on girls to him can you!”

Lauren now pulled away and slammed her hand hard on the worktop. Danny span round wide eyed to view Lauren now in a furious temper.

“For Gods sake Danny! Glen is no more interested in me than he is in you.”

Danny placed his can down as he now moved closer to Lauren and tried to cuddle up to her.

“I’m sorry, I just worry so much I’m going to lose you.”

Lauren sank into Danny’s arms giving in for a moment.

“Can’t you see I don’t want any one other than you? I never have. It was always you and the only way you will lose me is by driving me away.”

Danny kissed the top of Lauren’s hair, he knew he was far too jealous and he knew Lauren hated it.

“I’ll never been good enough for you, I mean look at Glen, he’s good looking, funny….”

Lauren shook her head.

“Yeah and  he loves to argue! If  we were together can you imagine arguments? Jesus, we do now, best of mates but we can argue over two flies crawling up a wall if we feel like it. Just think about it Danny. He is my best mate… Period!”

Lauren now moved a hand to cup Danny’s cheek.

“I love you, besides Glen is too short and he isn’t you!”

Danny gave Lauren a faint embarrassed smile as Lauren pulled her down so their lips met in a loving kiss. After they parted Danny kept his forehead resting on Lauren’s, as they both remained content in one and others arms.

“Do you never worry about me like I do you?”

Lauren nipped Dannys bum.

“Never, coz, I just don’t know how you could ever live without me! For a start you’re an untidy sod!”

Danny captured Lauren’s lips once again, love and guilt pouring from his heart Lauren pulled away quickly.

“Danny, I’m going out and that’s that!”

Danny knew his ploy had failed, normally if Lauren disagreed with something he could sweet alk his way round her and she would change her mind, but not as it seemed this time! Danny was so sure Glen had some kind of a hold over his girlfriend he just wished he knew how to stop it or even how to talk to him about it.

“Fine have it your way Lauren, just don’t be late or too drunk!”

Lauren picked up her keys.

“I will be back when I walk in the door not before…. And don’t threaten me Danny, coz I have had a gutful of this off you!”

Lauren walked out slamming the door behind her. Danny sat on the stairs and began to worry more, he was losing Lauren and he knew it. What was it that Glen had that he didn’t, it sure wasn’t love, he would walk on hot coals for Lauren, whereas Glen would probrably threaten he was going to throw Lauren on them in a play fight. That is how it always was, Glen would normally monopolise her time and they would mess around like kids and Danny hated it.

Lauren took the short walk to the pub where she was due to meet Glen. Danny was so jealous it was untrue, at times she wondered if things would last between them. She did love Danny with all her heart but sometimes Danny pushed her too far, couldn’t he see she never looked at anyone else ever. When they went out together Danny would look at other women the same as any man would and she never took any notice, she always knew Danny was coming home with her and it would be alright but it was beginning to feel like Danny didn’t trust her.

Glen waved Lauren over to the table where he sat, pushing a drink towards Lauren.

“There you go mate.”


Lauren answered as she drank the vodka very quickly.  Glen was wide-eyed.

“You okay?”

He asked, Lauren just shook her head. Glen lowered his head so he could look into Lauren’s eyes, he probably knew her better than she knew herself, he frowned.


Lauren nodded as she ran his fingers through her hair.

“He thinks that there is something going on between us two.”

Glen now went scarlet at the thought. Lauren giggled at him.

“Don’t panic, you know how he gets, he thinks I’m gonna run off with everyone!” Glen was now offended.

“Hey I’m not just anyone, I’m adored by loads of women.”

Lauren was now in hysterics, she couldn’t win with these two at all.

“Okay, calm down gorgeous, we all know everyone loves you. Now, let’s get to the reason you asked to see me.”

Glen tried not to smirk at Lauren’s words.

“It’s about Danny’s surprise birthday party you are throwing. I have found the coolest place to have the party.”

Lauren chuckled, if only Danny knew!

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