Update Schedule serial stories

Thursday: Brigitte Cross de Valk - Aspen Leaves - G
Monday: Emie Faun - I'm Yours - G
Wednesday: Debbra - The O'Donoghue Boys - PG13

19 Sept 2013


Status:       Finished
Length:     Short
Author:     Sandra
Rating:      G
Synopsis: Can an act of charity cause so much pain?

I can’t believe this is happening to me. This can’t be happening to me, I’m famous, I have security and management to make sure I’m safe… Where the hell are they???

I agreed to this? I’m sure I didn’t, it’s like all my worst fears come true. I can’t move, can I move? Would anyone notice if I ran off? All I can think of is if I come back again I sure as hell am not coming back as a woman. Anything I have ever said about women moaning what they do for us guys I take it all back, I take my hat off to you guys. I am convinced I won’t live long enough to see my mum again. Oh no not again, here they come again. They are laughing; I thought they were my friends. I swear if this wasn’t being recorded I would shout every damned swear word I could think of and make a few up too.
“Come on Danny!”
I look up at her face staring down at me, her eyes are cold and calculating she wants this to hurt as much as possible, all the time she says it is a small price for me to pay after what she is having done.
“Keep still or you will only make it worse!”
I nod it’s bringing tears to my bloody eyes, I can’t believe the pain! I have never been in so much pain in my entire life, I wish it was over, I wish I was dead. Most of all I wish I’d never been born!
The evil, hurtful hands return to my chest another four or five times, I’m not sure exactly, it just hurts so much.
I look down in between the onslaughts to view the damage.  My chest is red raw, I can even see some spots of blood.  I feel sick, please God make it stop.
“Finished now.”
I look around at the other occupants of the studio even Tom takes a step back I turn to look at them all. Holly reckons she is gonna sell some of my hair on ebay. Good luck with that Holly, who the hell would want chest hair from a deadly white Irishman? Jessie however  tells me well done.
“It wasn’t that bad.”
Both Holly and Jessie look at me, their eyes are laughing at me, so I give in and once the cameras have stopped I look at them both
“Thank God, I thought you were trying to kill me.”
Tom rolled his eyes.
“Well Danny, it did sound as if your life was in danger. Let’s have a proper look then.”
I stand up and I pray to God people pay good money for this! Mark and Glen thought it was a good idea, the bastards are paying for this!!!
“I quit!”
I playfully go to storm from the studio but Holly grabs my arm and laughs.
“Danny it looks great, just calm down. Women have been doing it for years…. Admittedly not on the chest but I don’t think you wanted your bikini line done do you?”
I sound like a total wimp. I move towards the mirror to survey the damage. I stare in disbelief at what they have done to me.
“I look like a feckin’ plucked turkey!”
The whole studio erupts into fits of laughter.
“Danny just think your new smooth waxed chest will get all the girls!…. Well once the redness has gone!”
“Very funny Jessie!”
Shaking my head and mumbling a few expletives I pull my T-shirt down as I head from the studio.

“Beauty parlours and waxing you can keep them……….. Never, ever again! The pain!”

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